were my notes based on research I did of that era. This film is especially
rich in parallels to US history of the time it was made. Students enjoyed
this film so much and generally agreed that the remake pales in comparison.
It is a fine example of how popular film can contain many implicit political
sentiments. I would always show the excellent documentary Behind the Planet of the Apes afterwards. Its an extremely comprehensive look at the entire franchise and its connections to events of the time. The producers speak of the political undercurrents. |
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Climate of the Times - The 1960's:
Setting The Historical Stage: n
1960 more than half of Americans were under 21. Civil Rights: 1968:
Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy assassinated. The
Vietnam War: (I
put these statistics on the board) -
16,000 Americans dead 1968
Chicago Democratic Convention: Trial
of the Chicago Seven and Bobby Seal (leader
of Black Panthers): Space
vs. Creationism
Thanks to Eric Greene and his fascinating and insightful book Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race, Politics, and Popular Culture, published by Wesleyan University Press 1996. |